===============================Legion========================================== You should transfer the two tarballs to tombstone.princeton.edu (which is a university cluster) and untar them. To run the simulator it's as simple as running the following command: ./sim -v -a 1up_ubuntu.conf A simulated console will pop up and all you need to do it to type "boot" when you see the "ok" prompt in the console and then wait for the Linux to boot up. ================================FPGA=========================================== The 'fpga_stock.tar.gz' archive is base on the 'OpenSPARCT1.1.7.tar.bz2' source files from www.opensparc.net. The archive we provide has all the files pre-synthesized for the ML 505 board. Prerequisites: Xilinx FPGA tools, the 'minicom' program, ML 505 FPGA board connected to the host machine via the USB cable. To get started: 1) In a termainal window [w0], source any needed files so that the Xilinx tools can be found. 2) Open new terminal window [w1] and start minicom (this will be your input / output to the FPGA) 3) In [w0] go to design/sys/edk/ and execute the following command to download all the synthesized files onto the board: 'make -f system.make download' 4) In [w0] when downloading is finished, use 'xmd' tool to download all the software onto the board and start the OpenSPARC, the command is: 'xmd -xmp system.xmp -opt etc/xmd_microblaze_0.opt' and then 'run' 5) In [w1] you should start seeing some output; type "boot" when you see the "ok" prompt in the minicom console and then wait for the Linux to boot up.