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Elbaz, R., Champagne, D., Lee, R.B., Torres, L., Sassatelli, G., Guillemin, P.,
"TEC-Tree: A Low Cost, Parallelizable Tree for Efficient Defense against Memory Replay Attacks",
Proc. Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2007), Vienna, Austria, pp. 289-302, September 2007.
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Dwoskin, J., Lee, R.B.,
"Hardware-rooted Trust for Secure Key Management and Transient Trust",
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2007, Alexandria, VA, pp. 389-400, October 2007.
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Wang, Z., Lee, R.B.,
A Secure yet High Performance Cache Architecture,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-012, November 2007.
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Lauradoux, C., Lee, R.B.,
Decimation Tools Set,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-014, November 2007.
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Hilewitz, Y., Lauradoux, C., Lee, R.B.,
Fast Bit Matrix Multiplication in Commodity Microprocessors,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-011, November 2007.
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Lee, R.B., Fiskiran, M., Wang, M., Hilewitz, Y., Chen, Y.,
PAX: A Cryptographic Processor with Parallel Table Lookup and Wordsize Scalability,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-010, November 2007.
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Dwoskin, J., Xu, D., Huang, J., Chiang, M., Lee, R.B.,
"Secure Key Management Architecture Against Sensor-node Fabrication Attacks",
IEEE GlobeCom 2007, Washington, DC, November 2007.
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Wang, Z., Deng, J., Lee, R.B.,
"Mutual Anonymous Communications: A New Covert Channel Based on Splitting Tree MAC",
IEEE Infocom 2007, pp. 2531-2535, May 6-12, 2007.
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Champagne, D., Lee, R.B.,
Memory Integrity for Secure Computing Platforms,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-003, June 2007.
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Wang, Z., Lee, R.B.,
"New Cache Designs for Thwarting Software Cache-based Side Channel Attacks",
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2007), San Diego, CA, pp. 494 - 505, June 2007.
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Hilewitz, Y., Lee, R.B.,
"Performing Advanced Bit Manipulations Efficiently in General-Purpose Processors",
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH-18), Montpellier, France, pp. 251-260, June 2007.
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Xu, D., Huang, J., Dwoskin, J., Chiang, M., Lee, R.B.,
"Re-examining Probabilistic Versus Deterministic Key Management",
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Nice, France, pp. 2586-2590, June 2007.
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Hilewitz, Y., Lee, R.B.,
Accelerating the Whirlpool Hash Function using On-Chip Lookup Tables,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-001, February 2007.
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Potlapally, N., Lee, R.B.,
Efficient Randomness Generation Techniques for Embedded Systems,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-015, December 2007.
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Hilewitz, Y., Lee, R.B.,
Achieving Very Fast Bit Matrix Multiplication in Commodity Microprocessors,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-006, August 2007.
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Lee, R.B., Wang, M.,
Resolving Encoding Issues in Combining PAX and PLX Instruction Sets,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-007, August 2007.
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Potlapally, N., Raghunathan, A., Ravi, S., Jha, N., Lee, R.B.,
"Aiding Side-channel Attacks on Cryptographic Software with Satisfiability-based Analysis",
IEEE Transactions on VLSI, vol. 15, issue 4, pp. 465-470, April 2007.
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Dwoskin, J., Lee, R.B.,
SP Processor Architecture Reference Manual,
, Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-009, 11/21/2007.
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Wang, M., Lee, R.B.,
"Architecture for a Non-Copyable Disk (NCdisk) Using a Secret-Protection (SP) SoC Solution",
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2007. ACSSC 2007. Conference Record of the Forty-First Asilomar Conference on, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, pp. 1999-2003, 11/04/2007.
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Bhaskara, G., Levin, T.E., Nguyen, T.D., Irvine, C.E., Benzel, T.V., Dwoskin, J.S., Lee, R.B.,
"Virtualization of a Processor-based Crypto-Protection Mechanism and Integration within a Separation Kernel Architecture",
Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2006-006, November 2006.
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