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Chen, X., Garfinkel, T., Lewis, E.C., Subrahmanyam, P., Waldspurger, C.A., Boneh, D., Dwoskin, J.S., Ports, D.R.K., "Overshadow: A Virtualization-Based Approach to Retrofitting Protection in Commodity Operating Systems", Proc. of the Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), March 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Hilewitz, Y., Lauradoux, C., Lee, R.B., "Bit Matrix Multiplication in Commodity Processors", Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP ‘08), July 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Hilewitz, Y., Yin, Y.L., Lee, R.B., "Accelerating the Whirlpool Hash Function Using Parallel Table Lookup and Fast Cyclical Permutation", Proceedings of the 15th Fast Software Encryption Workshop (FSE), Lausanne, Switzerland, February 2008. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Wang, Z., Lee, R.B., "A Novel Cache Architecture with Enhanced Performance and Security", Proceedings of the 41st. Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (Micro-41), pp. 88-93, December 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Champagne, D., Elbaz, R., Lee, R.B., "Forward-Secure Content Distribution to Reconfigurable Hardware", Proceedings of the Int'l Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (Reconfig'08), December 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Dwoskin, J.S., Bhaskara, G., Nguyen, T.D., Lee, R.B., "SecureCore Prototype/Demo Manual", Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2008-009, August 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Dwoskin, J.S., Lee, R.B., "SP Processor Architecture Reference Manual", Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2008-008, August 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Chen, Y., Lee, R.B., "SP-PAX: Hardware implementation of SP module with PAX cryptoprocessor", Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2008-006, April 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Lan, T., Lin, X., Chiang, M., Lee, R.B., "How Bad is Suboptimal Rate Allocation?", Proceedings of the 27th. Conference on Computer Communications, IEEE (INFOCOM ’08), pp. 951-959, April 13-18 2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Chen, Y., Wu, Y., Hu, S., Lee, R.B., "Impact of Dynamic Binary Translators on Security", 1st Workshop on Architectural and Microarchitectural Support for Binary Translation, Beijing, China, 21/06/2008. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Hilewitz, Y., Lee, R.B., "Fast Bit Gather, Bit Scatter and Bit Permutation Instructions for Commodity Microprocessors", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 53, issue 1-2: Springer New York, pp. 145-169, 11/2008. Tagged XML BibTex
Shi, Z.J., Yang, X., Lee, R.B., "Alternative application-specific processor architectures for fast arbitrary bit permutations", International Journal of Embedded Systems, vol. 3, issue 4, pp. 219-228, 2008  . Tagged XML BibTex
Lan, T., Lee, R.B., Chiang, M., Multi-path Key Establishment under Byzantine Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, , 2008  . Tagged XML BibTex
Lan, T., Lee, R.B., Chiang, M., Reliable and Secure Distributed Storage of Critical Information, , 2008  . Tagged XML BibTex
Hilewitz, Y., "Advanced Bit Manipulation Instructions: Architecture, Implementation and Applications", Department of Electrical Engineering: Princeton University, 2008  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Potlapally, N., Lee, R.B., Checking Integrity of Untrusted Data with Few Queries, , Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-008, September 2007. Tagged XML BibTex
Elbaz, R., Champagne, D., Lee, R.B., Torres, L., Sassatelli, G., Guillemin, P., "TEC-Tree: A Low Cost, Parallelizable Tree for Efficient Defense against Memory Replay Attacks", Proc. Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES 2007), Vienna, Austria, pp. 289-302, September 2007. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Dwoskin, J., Lee, R.B., "Hardware-rooted Trust for Secure Key Management and Transient Trust", ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2007, Alexandria, VA, pp. 389-400, October 2007. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Wang, Z., Lee, R.B., A Secure yet High Performance Cache Architecture, , Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-012, November 2007. Tagged XML BibTex
Champagne, D., Elbaz, R., Lee, R.B., Dynamic Integrity Trees for Deployable Memory Authentication, , Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-013, November 2007. Tagged XML BibTex
Lauradoux, C., Lee, R.B., Decimation Tools Set, , Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-014, November 2007. Tagged XML BibTex
Hilewitz, Y., Lauradoux, C., Lee, R.B., Fast Bit Matrix Multiplication in Commodity Microprocessors, , Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-011, November 2007. Tagged XML BibTex
Lee, R.B., Fiskiran, M., Wang, M., Hilewitz, Y., Chen, Y., PAX: A Cryptographic Processor with Parallel Table Lookup and Wordsize Scalability, , Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering Technical Report CE-L2007-010, November 2007. Tagged XML BibTex
Dwoskin, J., Xu, D., Huang, J., Chiang, M., Lee, R.B., "Secure Key Management Architecture Against Sensor-node Fabrication Attacks", IEEE GlobeCom 2007, Washington, DC, November 2007. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Wang, Z., Deng, J., Lee, R.B., "Mutual Anonymous Communications: A New Covert Channel Based on Splitting Tree MAC", IEEE Infocom 2007, pp. 2531-2535, May 6-12, 2007. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex

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